Welcome To Zedd Medicine

At ZEDD pharmacy, we believe in making things easy for our customers. We know there’s nothing more off putting than the sight of a lot of boring small print, so we’ve written our Privacy Policy to make it clear, simple and easy to read.  


The policy explains how ZEDD pharmacy uses your personal data, when you’re shopping on ZEDD pharmacy.


ZEDD pharmacy is committed to protecting your privacy. We believe in using your personal information to make things simpler and better for you. We’ll always keep your personal information safe and will never sell it to third parties. We’ll be clear and open with you about why we collect your personal information and how we use it.


Where you have choices or rights, we’ll explain them to you and respect your wishes. We’ve written this Privacy Policy in plain English to tell you how and why we use your personal information. We hope you’ll find it clear and simple but if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact our ZEDD pharmacy contact details.
